About Owen
Owen is a 1969 Renault Estafette van FST purchased in September 2015. FST, with the help of sponsors, restored Owen back to his former glory, Owen is one of the few Renault Estafette in the UK and he is now roadworthy and available to hire.
FST purchased Owen with the intention of putting him back on the road to help generate income to cover our running costs. We also want to create sustainable employment opportunities for workforce members.
Read and follow Owen’s journey in the book.

In Memory of Stuart Owen
Owen is named in memory of Stuart Owen. Stuart was employed by FST in 2002 and was responsible for setting up our first garage in Salford in 2005. He left FST in 2011 to take up a position in Scotland heading up a community organisation. Stuart passed away in April 2014 aged 41 whilst leading a team of volunteers cleaning up a local beach.
Hire Owen
Being one of the few fully restored 1969 Renault Estafette in the Country, Owen draws in a crowd of admirers and he is now available to hire for fundraising events, TV, film, PR & marketing events. For more information about hiring Owen get in touch via our contact page